Friday, August 3, 2012

Free Speech, Love, & Homosexuality

Over the past few days I have heard three different arguments all centered around the same topic. From posts I've read to people I've listened to it seems that people are gravitating to one of the three arguments to take a stand for truth as they see it. There is no greater potential for error then to focus on a part rather than a whole. As a pastor I'd like to share my perspective, but more importantly I’d like to disclose what the Bible has to say about all of this.

First of all is the "Freedom of speech" argument. This whole thing spun into motion because a man, who owns a large fast food chain (Chick-fil-a), shared his opinion, when asked, of a biblical perspective of marriage. That perspective being that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I personally agree with what he said, but this goes far beyond what the man said. First, was he free to say what he wanted to say? Yes. Was he hateful in what is said? No. I think a lot of times people use their freedom of speech to say hateful, mean things, but this wasn't one of those times. It was actually a very light and tame statement that would have been ignored if he were a pastor, but made headline news because he runs a major corporation. As a pastor I thank God for freedom of speech, I regularly exercise that right as I stand in the pulpit on Sunday mornings. It's interesting though, the Bible says that Jesus only said what he heard his father say, and he only did what he saw his father do. As Christians we really don't have the "freedom" to just say what we want without first filtering it through the Holy Spirit and Scripture.

The second argument came in response to people standing in line at Chick-fil-a to show support of the man and the restaurant. The thought circling social media was, "As Christians we need to love homosexuals and by standing in line to show support of Chick-fil-a we are spreading hate". Now, I didn't stand in line and so I don't have an accurate picture of what really went down, but I can imagine. I imagine some people who hate gays were in line, I imagine some people who wanted to stand for freedom of speech were in line, and I imagine some people who really like chicken were in line. I propose that hate or at least the lack of showing love would be rooted in the motives to stand in line rather than the act of standing, for the simple reason that people were there for different reasons. I have no problem with people taking a stand to love and support their gay friends, I would do the same. The Bible is very clear about the topic of loving one another; it even goes so far as to tell us to love our enemies... love really is the answer. I draw the line at accepting a person's sin. There are many people that I deeply love, but I don't accept or approve of their sin and lifestyle. This brings me to the third argument...

Is homosexuality a sin? Yes it is. 1 Corinthians 6:9 says, “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,..." and then Romans 1:18-32 is a strong passage about homosexuality. The problem is that by me making that statement people will automatically think that I hate homosexuals, which is farthest from the truth. I also believe lying, stealing, murder, sex before marriage, etc. are sins. I counsel people every week that struggle in some of these areas or others, and I love them. My love doesn't go so far as to make room for their sin, but rather I love them in spite of their sin. In fact my own struggle with sin and weakness allows me to operate with the same love and grace that Jesus has shown me. As a Christian there is not a middle ground on homosexuality being a sin. You are either on one side or the other. The danger here is to approve of sin as an act of love. But in reality that’s not love at all. Love is speaking truth into a situation tangled in deception. Our culture has taken a sin and turned it into a people group, a social agenda, and an acceptable lifestyle. The fact is that all sin leads to spiritual and physical death.

I don't know that my writing this will change anything, but Pastors and leaders need to speak truth into a culture that doesn't believe in absolute truth. We need to love people passionately and intensely towards a savior that offers hope and freedom. And lastly, we need to recognize opportunities to take a stand on issues that divide even if it’s not popular.


  1. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed it.

  2. Ok, so I'm not trying to be a problem, I'm just voicing the thoughts that constantly go through my head. So how do we support those that truly have desire for same sex? this by far reaches into the question if it's a choice or an innate desire. do we send them to a program to re-compute? do we pray for miraculous healing? How do we go from it being "right and wrong" to loving them yet offering no solution? This is where "absolutes" can take a soap box and do nothing OR we decide to be part of a homosexual's life and allow God to work, if He chooses to.
    I've been thinking a lot about Jesus being called a glutton and drunkard because he hung out in the periphery of society...and I wonder who those would be today in our culture. Homosexuals come to mind first and foremost. Where is the balance about teaching what the Bible says is right and living out Jesus' love and offering hope? Instead, on this issue we have simply pushed homosexuals out. How do we love the sinner but not the sin in REALITY without coming across condemning? large questions. I am frustrated FOR homosexuals and because they feel more joy and acceptance anywhere but with Christians. How do you love, but not condone nor condemn??
    Just a few large questions not just on homosexuality, but in absolutes in a very much grey world.

    1. Hey McKenzie!

      I'll do my best with your questions :)

      The thing is we all have a sin nature and a tendency towards sin. Some of it is environmental, meaning the environment we grew up in, the things that became "normal" because of how we were raised, etc. Some of it is "choice" like you mentioned above. Our default mode is to choose sin. But some of our tendency towards sin is "generational" we were born with it. You have to hear this though... Just because we were born with a tendency towards a particular sin doesn't mean that's "who we are". When we start saying this is how God made me or this is who I am we head down a dangerous slippery slope. A tendency towards sin isn't a license to sin.

      Homosexuality isn't the only sin people are born with a tendency towards. Some people struggle with other sexual issues from early on. For some its alcohol, for others its anger, etc.

      Not to give a cop-out answer, but leading people to the cross of Jesus Christ really is the answer for ALL the sin, weaknesses, and struggles we face. For some all it takes is a one time Holy Spirit encounter and everything changes, for others there is a process. There are various "tools" we use, but the end goal of leading someone to Jesus and Freedom is the same. Obviously you're familiar with inner healing tools, and deliverance methods. Depending on how complex the situation freedom can happen fast, or it can take time. Also... the person needs to desire change and freedom more than their sin.

      Your question about the balance between sharing the truth of the Word and "living out Jesus' love and offering hope" is interesting. The fact is His Truth brings hope and love. You remember when He said, "I am the way, the Truth, and the Life"?. He also said that He didn't come to condemn the world, but to save it. Our goal as Christians needs to be calling greatness out of people, not just pointing out there faults. If they realize "who" they were created to be and how much God loves them the sin issues will take care of them selves. Meet people right where their at, love on them, accept them, but don't let them stay there.

      People want us to condone their sin and when we don't its called hate. That doesn't make sense to me when sin is a one way road towards spiritual and physical death. Love speaks the truth even when its not popular. Truth without love kills, but Truth in love brings life.

      I think the hardest thing, especially in the topic of homosexuality, is that people view it as who they are, its their identity. So if I call it sin I am in essence "attacking their identity, who they are", no wonder its viewed as hate. The enemy has created a web of deception that we as believers have to unwind ever so carefully.



  3. Thanks Jonathan! That was a very well written post!! I think you hit everything on the dot with how I believe the bible tells us to live too!! :-)

    1. Thanks bro! Good to hear from you :) Its been a long time. I hope all is well. Hit me up on FB sometime. Blessings!


  4. Thanks --- yes, Thank you.
    Someone once asked me, "So - you believe that people aren't born that way & that it doesn't really exist?" I attempted to keep my reply simple - "If there were never sin - homosexuality would not exist. God was perfect in making male & female, and the purity with which each should operate..."

    People presume death is the normal. But it wasn't at all what God intended. So, going back to the very beginning, sin entering caused death. No wonder God hates sin. We started with buying into & participating in a lie...

    I think the issues of sexual perversion, which include many facets of activity ---seem so much "more" because it most likely involves getting another person (or picture of - fantasy) to cooperate in the activity(ies) and then you start down a spiritual path that is so deceptive, and the appetite seems to exponentially increase because it spiritually ignites something where 2 or more are involved & if it's not what God designed, the appetite consumes & deceives the individual(s)--- And the Bible doesn't cease to forewarn on sexual perversion/immorality. It's almost embarrassing to be reading the Bible aloud, and you're the one reading ... but you realize that God is desiring to deliver & set the captives free - so it has to be confronted, with the authority of the Word, which doesn't change its stand like situational ethics. And - it has to start in the Body of Christ. If we're not living it, how can the wicked be redeemed to Him?
